Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The joys of Internet shopping...

Sweet Pea doesn't know it yet, but her mommy likes to shop! Infact, her Nana and I took her to her first trip to the mall when she was just 3 weeks old. When we pulled into the parking spot, I said, "Sweet Pea, this is your first trip to the mall!", and she went, "heheheheheh". I think she's a born shopper. Its something inherited, I think. When I was learning to drive and navigate around the city, I would ask my mom where something was in location to a mall or store, because that was a good point of reference for me - I know where the malls and stores are!

Anyway, I've made my first purchase of toys for Sweet Pea! I bought her:

Sophie the Giraffe and Jacques the Peacock!

Here's their descriptions:
Sophie is soft, light and easy to grasp, perfect for little hands and makes a happy sound when squeezed. Babies especially love her bumpy head to sooth their teething gums. Jaques the Peacock has bright colors and multiple textures and sounds that are sure to stimulate and delight baby.

They look adorable and I can't wait for them to get here! I hope Sweet Pea likes them as much as I do!

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