Friday, July 31, 2009

Really Off Topic

OK, this is going to be really off topic, but, I just need to complain a little bit. The subject of my rant? Cash for Clunkers. It is a wonderful idea, and I'm really glad people got much needed help to get better cars, and that the auto industry got a little boost.

But...yes, here's the big BUT, when you say you're going to spend a BILLION dollars, then, only spend a billion dollars! When its gone, its gone. Its this attitude of, "Oh, we thought it would last until November 1, and turns out it only lasted a week, so we need more money", that got this country into the big hot mess we're in right now in the first place. Certainly Congress did some research and came to the amount of 1 billion dollars based on some sort of criteria. So, when it ran out as quickly as it did, how can they justify that they just need more money?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First Steps!!!

July 29, 2009

Dear Sweet Pea,
Today you took your first steps! You are such a big girl, and we are so proud of you! I bet tomorrow you'll be all over Nana's house like its nothing! You're also getting your second tooth, and I think its making you a little bit crabby. But, that's OK, you're still our sweet baby girl!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just a few pics of my happy girl :)

Yes, she's always this happy...she's awesome!!!

First Trip to Great Grandma's House

Sweet Pea's nana, daddy and I went to stay the weekend at great grandma's house. We had such a good time!

First Tooth!!!

This is a bit late, but, Sweet Pea has her first tooth! I think she's already working on a second one! You can see it a little in these pics:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Thoughtful Gift!

Today I checked the mail and saw a package for Sweet Pea from the parents of a longtime friend of her daddy's. Enclosed was the cutest, sweetest card, and a 2008 United States Mint Silver Proof Set. The note included said they wanted Sweet Pea to be able to look back and see what kind of coins were circulating the year she was born. Isn't that cool!?!?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

St. Louie Woman!

Today we had a St. Louis day! We went to the St. Louis Science Center, then to Imos Pizza - yum!!! Sweet Pea had so much fun, then she came home and ate dinner and fell fast asleep :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hey! Come Visit!!!

For all of our friends and family who live out of town, we want to share this great deal with you!!! is having a fantastic sale right now, every city is on sale for 48 hrs only!

Purchase by July 8, 2009 for travel September 9 through November 18, 2009. Travel valid every day except Fridays & Sundays.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Note to self...

Don't try to put Sweet Pea to sleep unless she's reallllllly tired. Otherwise, she will try to climb you like a tree!!!

And, sorry for the delay. Here's a pic to hold you over till next time :)