Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pretty in pink

First time at the pool!

We took Sweet Pea to the pool today for the first time! I think she liked the water, but, it was a little cold so we didn't stay long.

Some New Pics...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Pics from my first Mother's Day

Here's a few pics from this weekend :)

Mother of the Year!!!

LOL, finally someone has noticed my hard work around here!

Bethre Means - Mother of the Year

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My wonderful husband and our beautiful daughter

Tonight we went to a wedding for friends of ours. The bride was gorgeous, and they are getting ready to go to Ireland for their honeymoon! Sweet Pea got all dressed up in a pretty dress with a matching headband and she looked adorable! Here's a fantastic pic of her with her handsome daddy :) (Can you tell I dote on them both???)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sweet Pea's first trip to a sushi restaurant

This weekend Sweet Pea's daddy and I went to the City Museum and to a really good sushi restaurant called Blue Ocean Sushi. She had so much fun, she was laughing so much she was making other people in the restaurant smile :) I guess that's just what babies do, right?

A tutu for my Sweet Pea!

I am so tempted to make a tutu for Sweet Pea and take tons of pics of her in it! I found some instructions for a "no sew" tutu that I may make my weekend project sometime soon. Check this out:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame

My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew all went to the ballgame last night. I love this picture, they all look so happy!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I see the signs!

I am 99% sure that Sweet Pea used sign language this weekend! We've been using it at home with her since she was about 3 months old. Saturday we were playing with her and she got fussy and started doing the sign for milk:

So we gave her a bottle and she completely relaxed and her eyelids drooped like it was the most delicious drink she'd ever had! So exciting!!!